Life sentence for murder of Brazilian man in Kerry bog

Bruno Lemes de Souza was found in remote bog three weeks after his murder in 2012

John Paul Cawley Ardoughter, Ballyduff, Co Kerry, has been sentenced to life.Photograph: Brian Gavin/Press 22

A 22-year-old man has been found guilty of the murder of a 28-year-old Brazilian man in a bog in north Kerry in 2012.

John Paul Cawley, Ardoughter, Ballyduff, Co Kerry, had pleaded not guilty to the murder of Bruno Lemes de Souza at Shronowen Bog, Tullamore, Listowel on February 16th or 17th, 2012.

Mr de Souza , from Gort, Co Galway, had called to a house near Ballyduff in connection with a car deal in mid-February 2016, the seven-day trial at the Central Criminal Court in Tralee heard. His body was recovered from a drain in a remote bog over three weeks later.

The killing had been “savage” the prosecution said.


The facts the jury had to listen to was “one of the worst “in any murder in the history of the State defence counsel agreed in the closing speech to the jury.

There was little quarrel between the sides about what took place; what was at issue was whether John Paul Cawley, "a damaged man" with a lower than average IQ particularly in the area of verbal reasoning, and social problem solving, and under the influence of another, was entitled to diminished responsibility under the Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2006 and to a conviction of manslaughter, defence counsel Anthony Sammon had told the jury.

However Conor Devally, SC for the Prosectution, said "Mr Cawley was more than part of the team. He was a fully signed up player,".

One of a family of 11, Cawley , had been fostered from a young age, and was homeless until his sister Sandra took him to live with her at Ardoughter Ballyduff, along with her then partner Brazilian man Wenio Rodriguez da Silva, two children aged 1 and 2, one of whom was Mr da Silva’s. A younger brother Charlie was also there.

It was his second trial – a conviction in 2013 was overturned on a single ground to do with the then trial judge’s direction to the jury.

Da Silva, who was painted by defence counsel in this trial as the “commander” in the murder, was convicted at the time and that conviction stands.

Cawley had inflicted the first stab wound in the bog. The remaining 63 stab wounds were inflicted in the bog drain by Wenio da Silva , he told gardai.

After an hour and 24 minutes deliberating, the jury in Tralee on Friday returned a unanimous verdict of guilty.

The jury had heard that three persons had “gone into the darkness” up a boggy lane. One of the men was being led by a rope. “Three men went up a bog road, two with knives and one man with his hands was evident only two would come back,” Conor Devally SC for the prosecution said.

Before being brought to the bog, Mr de Souza was held captive in the attic of the two-storey house in Ardoughter , his hands tied to his feet with orange clothes line twine while another Brazilian man was downstairs explaining about the cost of air tickets to Brazil for a trip the the whole household was planing.

Under guard in the attic by Charlie Cawley, when Mr de Souza asked for something to eat, yellow itchy insulation was stuffed into his mouth, the accused told gardai.

Assistant State Pathologist Dr Margot Bolster took well over an hour to list the injuries to Mr de Souza. There were lacerations of the skull by a blunt weapon; consistent with a heavy torque wrench,There were 64 wounds or lacerations including through the Adams Apple, the jugular vein, the , rib cage, lung, liver, left kidney and left ventricle of the heart.

Six of the stab wounds were to the face and some 23 were in the neck and thorax.

The stab wounds were “from all sorts of directions” Dr Bolster said.

Two knives could have been used to inflict the wounds, she said.

No real motivation was established for the savage murder .

There was a suggestion that Wenio owed money; that the late Mr de Souza was going around the large Brazilian community in Gort , Ireland's "Little Rio" saying Sandra Cawley was probably "hot" .

The accused did not understand much of the conversations between Mr de Souza and Mr da Silva because they were “talking Brazilian” , the accused told gardai.

There appeared to be no motivation for the appalling killing, Mr Cawley’s senior counsel Anthony Sammon said.

On the edge of a dyke, in the dark night, John Paul Cawley was the first to stab Bruno de Souza , he told gardai when arrested.

Asked a number of times why he had stabbed Mr de Souza whom he had only met hours before he replied “I don’t know”.

After Mr de Souza was reported missing two detectives from Gort arrived in Kerry but were given a story designed to mislead them.

One of the chief witnesses for the prosecution was Sandra Cawley. She claimed she did not seek help for Mr de Souza, or co-operate with gardai on the night because she was “petrified” of her former partner Wenio.

Her sister Martina and their mother Elizabeth went to gardai in Clonmel after John Paul while drunk told them what had taken place in Kerry.

An investigation headed up by then head of crime in Kerry Inspector Dan Keane, now a Superintendent in Listowel, was launched. Charlie Cawley led Kerry gardai to the bog on March 10th. John Paul was arrested on March 12th 2012. He has been in custody since.

Mr Justice Patrick McCarthy sentenced Mr Cawley to life, backdating the sentence to March 2012.