Man found with 3,500 sexual abuse images of children as young as three, court told

Former security guard has lived a ‘sad’ life in social isolation for many years, judge told

Owen Shanon pleaded guilty to one count of possessing child pornography at his home on June 23rd, 2016. File photograph: Dave Meehan

A former security guard who accessed thousands of child sexual abuse images has lived a “sad” life in social isolation for many years, a Dublin court has heard.

Owen Shannon (53) was found with nearly 3,500 images and videos on various devices in his home of children as young as three being sexually abused, Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard.

Shannon, of Carrickhill Road, Portmarnock, Dublin worked as a security guard for a number of years but has principally been a carer for his mother and, more recently, his father for most of his life.

He pleaded guilty to one count of possessing child pornography at his home on June 23rd, 2016. He has no previous convictions.


Detective Garda Brian Pentony told the court that gardaí­ were alerted to Shannon’s home address following a tip-off from Russian authorities.

Shannon opened the door and, when questioned by gardaí­, brought them to his bedroom and told them he had been accessing child sexual abuse material. He admitted to gardaí that the material would show girls as young as five being sexually abused by adult men.

Due to delays in the system, the material was only analysed last year. Gardaí­ found a total of 3437 images and 56 movies on two laptops, one computer and a hard drive which had been seized.

Much of the material was at the most serious category 1 level, which takes into account “the level of distress experienced by the children”, Elva Duffy BL, prosecuting, said. Some of the children depicted were as young as three.

Shannon first accessed the material in 2007, but his viewing spiked in 2016, the court heard.

Defence counsel, Gerardine Small BL, said her client lives a “solitary, isolated life”. He has lived in the family home all his life.

The court heard Shannon started caring for his mother, who suffered ill health, from when he was an adolescent. He was very close to her and “devastated” when she died, Ms Small said.

He worked for a number of years as a security guard but gave it up to care full-time for his father, who is currently in his 80s.

Counsel handed up a letter from Shannon in which he said he deeply regrets his actions. “He has remorse for his disgusting actions and he realises that every photo and video is of a victim who suffered terribly at the hands of people who are beyond evil,” Ms Small said.

“He is ashamed of himself. He will never have a good name again.”

Ms Small said Shannon had gone to one therapy session and found it helpful but did not have the means to pay for further sessions.

“His personal circumstances are quite sad,” she said. “This man has experienced social isolation for a prolonged period of time. He has no interactions outside the home.”

Judge Melanie Greally ordered a Probation Services report to further investigate Shannon’s circumstances. She adjourned the matter to March 2nd next year for finalisation.