Man jailed for sex attack on woman running beside river Boyne

Victim subjected to ‘shocking, horrific, humiliating, embarrassing ordeal’, judge says

Jason Corr was sentenced at Dundalk Circuit Court after he admitted a sexual assault on a female jogger. Photograph: Ciara Wilkinson

A homeless man who sexually assaulted a woman as she was running beside the river Boyne in Drogheda has been jailed for 2½ years.

Jason Corr (26), with an address at Harpur House, William Street, Drogheda, Co Louth, attacked the woman on November 20th, 2014, on what Dundalk Circuit Criminal Court heard was “a foggy morning”.

The woman, who was doing a 10-mile run, was running along the river bank when she glanced over her shoulder and saw Corr running behind her.

She thought he wanted to rob her and she handed her iPod and watch to him to take but he shook his head and came at her. During the ensuing struggle, both Corr and the woman fell over a wall and into the river.


Corr grabbed her tracksuit trousers and pulled them down. The victim shouted and he eventually stopped and walked away.

The court heard Corr told gardaí after he was arrested that he only pulled down the woman’s trousers to take her iPod, which was attached to them.

Judge Michael O’Shea said it was a terrifying ordeal for the woman and a serious offence.

She was subjected to a “shocking, horrific, humiliating, embarrassing and degrading ordeal”, he said.

Corr was also placed on the sex offender’s register.