Man jailed for three years after puncturing neighbour’s lung

Patrick Ward had been watching the World Cup when a row broke out

Man’s previous convictions include affray, assault, breach of a barring order, production of an article, criminal damage and theft. Photograph: Alan Betson / THE IRISH TIMES

A man has been jailed for three years after he punctured his neighbour’s lung by stabbing her three times with a scissors.

Patrick Ward (41) had been drinking in Edel Delahunty’s home and was watching the World Cup with a number of others there when a row broke out between Ward and another man. Ward’s partner’s son brought him home but Ward returned minutes later.

He approached Ms Delahunty and punched her before he grabbed hold of her. She only realised she had been stabbed when she heard blood dripping onto the floor.

Ms Delahunty was later treated in hospital for three stab wounds and had to undergo surgery after it was discovered her lung had been punctured in the attack. She had to stay in hospital for six nights.


Ward of Melville Court, Meakstown, Finglas, Dublin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to assault causing harm and production of a scissors on June 16th, 2018. His previous convictions include affray, assault, breach of a barring order, production of an article, criminal damage, theft and drugs.

Judge Martin Nolan accepted that Ward was very drunk on the night but said that was no excuse as he said the man was “well warned” that he was prone to certain behaviour when he had a lot of alcohol on board.

He further accepted that the victim had made a full recovery and that Ward expressed genuine remorse.

Det Garda Sean Burke told Fiona Crawford BL that when he arrived at the scene Ward was outside his apartment shouting that if anyone came into his home he would kill them. He was later arrested with the assistance of other gardaí­.

Gardaí­ were unable to interview Ward until he sobered up by which time he said he had no recollection of the stabbing.

Det Gda Burke agreed with Jennifer Jackson BL, defending, that her client said he had probably drank about 10 cans of cider that day along with naggin of whiskey. He told officers that if he had done as they suggested he was sorry and disgusted by his actions.

Ms Jackson described her client’s behaviour as “horrendous” and said he offered his sincere apologies to the victim.

She said his partner lost their home because of the incident and she was now living in hotel accommodation along with their three children.