Man remanded in custody for stabbing during school run

Accused used metal stabiliser pulled from child’s bicycle as weapon during attack

Accused stabbed his victim four times around the head and also punched and kicked him. The court heard school children who witnessed the attack were frightened and crying.

A man who stabbed a family acquaintance with a metal object during the school run has been jailed until Christmas week when a judge will sentence him.

Anvar Ghambari (39) attacked the victim in the school yard when both men were dropping their sons off in the morning. He wanted to confront the victim about comments he had allegedly made about his wife to mutual friends.

He stabbed his victim four times around the head and also punched and kicked him. The court heard that school children who witnessed the attack were frightened and crying.

Ghambari of Cushlawn Way, Tallaght, Dublin, pleaded guilty to assault causing harm to Majid Suhrabi at St Melroon's school, Tallaght, on March 1st, 2016.


Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Ghambari did not come armed to the incident but he pulled a metal stabiliser from a children's bicycle during the attack. The metal bar had a serrated edge.

Ghambari was shouting “I’m going to kill you, I swear to God, I’m going to kill you” while he stabbed the back of the victim’s head. Afterwards he walked out of the school yard.

Memory loss

The victim still suffers from memory loss and forgets little things, the court heard. Both he and Ghambari were asked not to bring their sons to school in case of a repeat incident and Mr Suhrabi said that he missed accompanying his son.

Judge Martin Nolan said he accepted that this was "a one-off fall from grace" for Ghambari, who has no previous convictions.

He noted that a report by the Probation Services was positive but said he would remand Ghambari into custody until the last day of term when he will finalise the case.

Kitty Perle, defending, said both men were Kurdish Iranian and knew one another. There has been no incidents since this assault.

She said the attack arose from insults being traded on an earlier date. Her client had owed Mr Suhrabi a debt of €5,000 and he intended to pay this back, Ms Perle said.