Pay phone thief very incompetent or just unlucky, says judge

Austin Byrne (38) arrested when seen cycling wrong way down street while holding phone

Austin Byrne kicked a pay phone off the wall of an office building in Dublin after gaining access through a door which had been left ajar. File photograph: Getty Images

A Dublin man who was caught cycling the wrong way down a city centre street with a stolen pay phone under his jacket has been jailed for three years.

Austin Byrne (38) was arrested after a garda spotted him trying to steer the bike while holding onto the pay phone on Lombard Street, Dublin.

It later emerged the pay phone box had not been in use for several years and most of the coins in the phone were punts.

Byrne had kicked it off the wall of an office building after gaining access through a door which had been left ajar.


Fiona McGowan BL, prosecuting, told Dublin Circuit Criminal Court that Byrne was arrested with regard to this incident and released on bail.

Two months later, he was spotted by a garda in Dublin 4 with another man when he had an iPad hidden under his jacket, and his partner had a laptop.

No login code

The pair were arrested after they were unable to provide the login code for the iPad.

Gardaí­ analysed the laptop and discovered it had been taken from a house on Haddington Road.

Byrne admitted gaining access to the house through a building site at the back. He admitted taking the computers and a watch.

Byrne, of Townsend Street, Dublin, pleaded guilty to burglary from a Pearse Street office block and possession of stolen property on February 11th, 2015, and burglary at Percy Lane on April 11th, 2015.

He has 58 previous convictions, including for 15 burglaries.

Judge Martin Nolan said Byrne was either a very incompetent or very unlucky burglar who was caught by gardaí­ immediately after both offences.

He imposed two sentences of 18 months, which are to run consecutively.