Sex offender jailed for assault at homeless shelter

John Griffin (45) anally penetrated his roommate at centre without his consent

A convicted sex offender who sexually assaulted his male roommate in a homeless shelter has been jailed for six years. File photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

A convicted sex offender who sexually assaulted his male roommate in a homeless shelter has been jailed for six years.

Dundalk native John Griffin (45) told gardaí that he knew his roommate wasn’t gay but “I just fucking got the urge and just did it”.

He had ordered the victim to give him a “blow job”, and when the victim refused, Griffin threatened him that he would force him to do it.

He then bent the victim over a bath and anally penetrated him without his consent.


Griffin told gardaí later that he felt horrible about his actions because “I know he didn’t like it at all”.

In an earlier attack Griffin groped the victim while pleasuring himself. After the second, more serious, assault Griffin had asked the victim if he had “liked it”.

The victim told him he did because he was afraid to say no.

The victim told gardaí­that he was very afraid of Griffin, who was much bigger than him .

Guilty plea

Griffin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to two counts of sexual assault at a hostel in Dublin between March 23th and April 1st, 2015.

Garda Joanna McCormack told James Dwyer BL, prosecuting, that in July 1991 Griffin received a sentence of five years at the Central Criminal Court for offences of buggery and sexual assault.

She said he has no other convictions and had not come to Garda attention since his release.

She said the victim had neurological issues and was vulnerable.

The judge said Griffin knew about the victim’s vulnerabilities.