Woman awarded €37,500 over skin damage from ‘high-end’ cosmetic

Salon told marketing manager Margaret McLaughlin to use chemical peel on face

Margaret McLaughlin, of Hazelbrook, Kilmacud Road Upper, Stillorgan, Dublin was awarded damages after a Circuit Civil Court action. Photograph: Collins Courts.

A woman, who developed permanent facial skin damage after using a “high-end” cosmetic product on the recommendation of a beauty therapist, has been awarded €37,500 damages against the salon in the Circuit Civil Court.

Margaret McLaughlin, a 45-year-old marketing manager, told the court that in March 2013 after receiving a bonus payment from work, she decided to treat herself to a facial at Revive on Milltown Road in Dublin.

Ms McLaughlin told her barrister, Bláithín Gallagher, that after the treatment the beauty therapist advised her she had sensitive skin and recommended that she twice weekly use Image Total Resurfacing Masque, a chemical peel on sale at Revive.

Ms McLaughlin, of Hazelbrook, Kilmacud Road Upper, Stillorgan, Dublin, said she bought the product and used it once but washed it off after five minutes because she felt a burning sensation on her face.


She said it then settled and she thought it was a normal reaction. She had later used it a second time as she had been instructed but the burning sensation became worse. She had also developed swelling of her nose and redness on her forehead and chin.

Ms McLaughlin had gone back to Revive which, the court heard, is now out of business, and had been advised by the manager to apply a hydrocortisone cream.

She told Ms Gallagher that she had felt no improvement of her skin which was red, blotchy and itchy, and she had later gone to her GP.


The court heard she had developed acne rosacea, a skin disease which causes redness of the face. She said she had ongoing issues with her skin although it has been more than three years since the incident.

“I had a perfect skin before,” she said. “I went from having a facial as a treat to having permanent skin damage,” McLaughlin told Circuit Court President Mr Justice Raymond Groarke.

She sued Revive Experience Limited with an address at Herbert Street, Dublin, and also product supplier Renaissance Products Limited, Renaissance House, Church Street, Howth, Co Dublin, for negligence. Both defendants denied liability.

Renaissance Products Limited alleged the Image Total Resurfacing Masque was a high end product sold only by professionals who had been trained. The court heard that an analysis of the product had not revealed any issue.

Ms McLaughlin claimed the product had been too harsh for her skin. She had been distressed and her confidence and her life had been affected. The court heard she needs to be careful not to expose her skin to the sun.

Judge Groarke said Revive Experience Ltd had failed to carry out a skin analysis or a patch test on Ms McLaughlin’s skin before recommending the product and had therefore failed in its duty of care.

The judge told barrister Eamon Marray, for Renaissance, that he was satisfied no case had been made against them. Judge Groarke awarded McLaughlin €37,500 damages along with her legal costs.