Woman told care workers of plan to ‘torture’ her mother to death, court hears

Barbie Kardashian (20) has pleaded not guilty to threatening to kill or cause serious harm

Barbie Kardashian outlined her plans to kill her mother during a meeting with her social care workers, the court heard

A woman, who was born a male, told social care workers of a plan to get a taxi to her mother's house, overpower her and torture her with a knife, a screwdriver, and boiling water, before killing her, a court heard Thursday.

The accused, Barbie Kardashian, (20), told social care workers how she planned to immobilise her mother by running at her with a knife and stabbing her before slowly torturing her to death in her home, Limerick Circuit Court heard.

A jury of six men and six women heard Ms Kardashian, who was born a male named Gabriel Alejandro Gentile, had changed name by deed poll and received a certificate to recognise her female gender.

Details of the alleged torture and murder plan were relayed on what was the second day of Ms Kardashian’s trial on 11 charges of threatening to kill or cause serious harm to others, including seven counts of threatening to kill her mother.


Ms Kardashian who is diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder, made the alleged threats while a resident at Coovagh House, a secure unit for youths with severe behavioral issues arising from childhood trauma.

Ms Kardashian outlined her plans to kill her mother during a meeting with her social care workers on September 16th, 2020, which had been arranged to discuss a life plan for her, ahead of her proposed release into the community, after she had turned 18.

A Garda statement by Jaqueline Bourke, a social care manager who attended the meeting, was read into evidence by prosecuting senior counsel John O’Sullivan.


Ms Bourke told gardaí Ms Kardashian had told her: “If I got into (my mother’s) house I would run towards her and put the knife into her body and into her genitalia; the thing is, I would want to prolong my mum’s suffering for as long as possible”.

“I would stab her, but not in her heart or neck, I’d want to put her through lots of torture, fear and humiliation.”

The social care manager told gardaí that Ms Kardashian also told her she would “bring a screwdriver” because “women rape using objects” and “ it would definitely be a long protracted incident”.

Ms O’Sullivan said Ms Kardashian also told her she would want her mother to “bleed out after death for a number of hours”.

Mr O’Sullivan continued: “Barbie Kardashian went on to say ‘I know that my mum is smaller than me, she is physically weak and she is frail, when I was living with her since I was nine or 10 I was stronger than her then and I know she would be overpowered by me.”

“I would only walk away after she was dead. I would check her pulse to make sure she was dead, I wouldn’t want her to run out and shout ‘help’, ‘help’, ‘help’. I wouldn’t want to be caught by the gardaí, I think I would be caught because I do not feel that I could outsmart them.”


Orla Ryan, who it was heard is a expert in social care and who previously acted as a guardian ad litem for Ms Kardashian, who also attended the meeting, said she became “deeply concerned” after Ms Kardashian “spoke at length about her compulsion to murder her mother”.

Ms Ryan said that while she believed Ms Kardashian was “intent” on killing her mother, the accused also said she wanted someone to stop her from going to murder her mother, “becasue she was concerned about going to jail”.

Ms Ryan said Ms Kardashian also spoke about “not wanting” to carry out a random killing of a “small female in the community” if she could not kill her mother.

Ms Kardashian has pleaded not guilty to eleven counts of threatening to kill or cause serious harm to her mother, and four counts of threatening to kill her former care worker Michael Mannix.

Mr Mannix gave evidence Wednesday that he was not intimidated by Ms Kardashian, but he said he made a statement to Gardai after the accused had threatened to rape and kill his wife and children.

Several members of Ms Kardashian’s care team agreed with Ms Kardashian’s defence barrister that she would say “shocking things to get attention”.

The trial continues Friday.