Inquest on pregnant woman’s death at Holles Street due

Composition of review team investigating Malak Kuzbary Thawley’s death criticised

The late Malak Kuzbary Thawley with her husband Alan. File photograph: Facebook

An inquest is to be held into the death of a woman while undergoing surgery in the National Maternity Hospital last month, the Dublin City Coroner's office has confirmed.

The inquest into the death of Malak Kuzbary Thawley, who was being treated for an ectopic pregnancy, is likely to open later this year or in early 2017.

Ms Thawley, a teacher from Syria, suffered a “vascular injury” during an emergency operation in the hospital on May 8th, medical records show.

An internal investigation into her death is substantially complete and is expected to be provided to the solicitor for Ms Thawley's family, Caoimhe Haughey, shortly.


Ms Haughey has expressed dissatisfaction with the composition of the investigation team.

Six out of seven members of the team are from Holles Street, and the other, obstetrician Hugh O’Connor, is from the Coombe women’s hospital.

Good governance practice

The hospital said it was conducting an internal inquiry into a maternal death last month, as required by good governance practice.

“We understand the coroner has confirmed today that an inquest will be held,” the hospital said.

“This is the appropriate statutory process of investigation and will provide an external, independent, sworn public examination of what happened, at which the family will be represented and can call and cross-examine witnesses.”

“We expect to complete our own internal inquiry in July and will supply copies to all appropriate people and bodies including the family of the woman who died, the coroner, the Ireland East Hospital Group, the HSE and the Health Information and Quality Authority.”

Ms Thawley and her husband Alan, from the US, had been working in Ireland for the past three years. Mr Thawley is currently in the care of family in the US.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.