Too few staff to transfer prisoner to hospital, inquest hears

Mountjoy inmate Paschal Doyle died after swallowing package of drugs

Keys held by a prison officer in Mountjoy Prison. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

Mountjoy Prison was short staffed on the day a prisoner requiring transfer to hospital was left in his cell and later died, an inquest has heard.

Paschal Doyle (31) a father of four from Pollarton in Co Carlow, died on July 26th, 2014. He died due to the inhalation of gastric contents, due to obstruction of the small bowel by a small package of drugs he had swallowed.

Dublin Coroner’s Court heard that the prison was down more than 40 staff members on July 25th, 2014, as Mr Doyle waited in the prison reception area to be transferred to hospital. The transfer required three prison officers, the court heard. Chief Officer at Mountjoy Donal Keegan said he was informed at about 3pm that Mr Doyle was to go to hospital but the transfer was not an emergency.

He said around the same time another prisoner suffered a head injury and that was a medical emergency.


“At this time we were not in a position to send Paschal Doyle to the Mater, there was not enough staff,” Mr Keegan said.

Mr Doyle was seen by a locum doctor on duty in Mountjoy the previous day, July 24th. Dr Emil Penev recommended Mr Doyle's urgent transfer to hospital but this did not happen.

Mr Doyle, who was serving a five month sentence, was attacked by fellow prisoners twice in the days leading up to his death.

He received a visit from his wife Eva Doyle the day before he died. She said he had bruises and cuts to his face and was slumped over.

“He could hardly stand up he was so weak. I was really worried because he kept telling me how much he loved me and the kids,” she said.

Her husband was an addict from a young age and had a drug debt, Ms Doyle said. He was seen swallowing something he claimed was a sweet while under escort at a court appearance in Carlow on July 11th, 2014.

A prison escort had noticed something in Mr Doyle’s pocket as he washed his hands in the toilets at Carlow courthouse on July 11th. Mr Doyle said it was only a sweet and immediately put it in his mouth, the court heard.

The day before his death, Prison Officer David Corr asked the inmate if he had swallowed something. “He smiled and shook his head,” Mr Corr said.

Asked why Mr Doyle was not transferred to hospital, Chief Nurse Officer Ann Collins said she did not know.

Mr Doyle died due to the inhalation of gastric contents, due to acute obstruction of the small bowel by a small package, according to State Pathologist Prof Marie Cassidy.

The package of drugs was intact, according to Prof Cassidy. Toxicology reports revealed no evidence of drugs or alcohol.

The inquest continues.