Care assistant stole almost €1,000 from disabled clients

Spanish national ordered to complete 240 hours of community service work

A care assistant stole €960 by altering the figures on withdrawal forms and using a photocopy of an authorising signature.

A care assistant who stole almost €1,000 from his intellectually disabled clients has received a two year suspended sentence and been ordered to complete 240 hours of community service work.

Jorge Garcia (41) had been working in Cheeverstown in Dublin for six years when it was discovered he had been stealing money from six residents' accounts over a six-month period.

The Spanish national stole a total of €960 by altering the figures on withdrawal forms and using a photocopy of an authorising signature. The court heard that Garcia, of Fortunes Walk, City Park, Saggart, has since repaid the money.

He pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to six sample counts from a total of 32 charges of theft from the residents on dates between April 18th, 2013 and August 8th, 2013.


He has no previous convictions.

The court heard that Garcia had been sending money to Spain to assist his elderly parents. He later injured his back while working and came under financial pressure when he was put on sick pay.

Judge Desmond Hogan accepted that Garcia co-operated with the garda investigation but noted that the money was stolen from vulnerable people whom he had taken advantage of.

He said because of the disabilities of the residents, Garcia’s plea assisted the gardaí­ in prosecuting him.

Judge Hogan bound Garcia to the peace for two years and placed him under the supervision of the Probation Services for 12 months.