Extradition hearing on ‘largest facilitator of child porn’ to resume

Eric Eoin Marques wanted in US on charges related to distributing child pornography

Charges against Eric Eoin Marques relate to images on more than 100 “anonymous websites” described as being extremely violent, graphic and depicting the rape and torture of prepubescent children.

A hearing in the extradition case of an Irish man claimed by the FBI to be the "largest facilitator of child porn in the world" is set to resume next month in the High Court.

Eric Eoin Marques, alleged to be the owner and administrator of an anonymous hosting site known as Freedom Hosting, is wanted by the US authorities to face charges relating to conspiring to distribute and advertise child pornography and advertising and distributing child pornography.

Previously, lawyers for Mr Marques told the court there is a risk of sexual violence in prisons in the United States, which is seeking his extradition.

The charges against Mr Marques relate to images on more than 100 “anonymous websites” described as being extremely violent, graphic and depicting the rape and torture of prepubescent children.


The 30-year-old, with an address at Mountjoy Square in central Dublin, has been in custody since his arrest in August 2013 after he was refused bail over concerns he represented a flight risk and that he may abscond or interfere with evidence in the case.

The State is seeking to surrender him to US authorities.

Mr Marques is seeking a judicial review of the decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions not to prosecute him in this country.

Ms Justice Aileen Donnelly remanded Mr Marques in custody until November 3rd, when the hearing will resume.