Father guilty of sexual abuse of daughter sentenced to 10 years

45-year-old pled guilty to 32 criminal counts that began in 2010, when daughter was 11

A Wexford father who sexually abused his daughter over a three-year period has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The 45-year-old man, who cannot be named to protect his victim’s identity, pleaded guilty at the Central Criminal Court to 16 counts of oral rape and 16 counts of sexual assault against his daughter on dates between 2010 and 2013. He has no previous convictions.

His daughter was aged 11-14 at the time she was abused by him.

Ms Justice Isobel Kennedy described the offences as “appalling”.


She said “his shame is justified,” adding that he should “be ashamed of his odious conduct towards an innocent child”.

She said she had taken into account “the forceful nature” of the man’s behaviour and the fact that the child was vulnerable and afraid of him.

The judge accepted that the man had pleaded guilty at an early stage and had shown insight into his own behaviour.

She suspended the final two years of the term on strict conditions and ordered that he undergo two years post-release supervision. She declared him a sex offender and she said he was to have no further contact with his daughter.

Girl’s allegations

A local garda told John O’ Kelly SC that the offences came to light in 2014, when the girl alleged that her father had been sexually assaulting her in the family home.

The abuse took place when they were alone together in the house or when her father came in at night from “socialising.” She said it took place very frequently when he was socialising.

She said her father told her not to tell anyone and that no one needed to know.

The girl said she was frightened at first, but as she got older she realised it was wrong and began to resist and fight back.

She said she did not tell her mother because she was worried about the effect it would have on the family, and that it might cause her parents to separate.