Galway man (31) who abused niece has shown no remorse, court hears

Child’s mother says grandparents disowned girl when sexual abuse came to light

Photograph: Dave Meehan

A Co Galway man who sexually abused his niece for three years “has not shown any remorse”, a court has heard.

The man (31), who cannot be named to protect his victim’s identity, pleaded guilty at the Central Criminal Court to sexually assaulting and sexually exploiting his niece at his home on dates between June 9th, 2013 and July 16th, 2016.

A local garda told Paddy McCarthy SC, prosecuting, that the abuse occurred when the victim visited her grandparents’ house, where her uncle also lived. It began when she was six years old.

The garda said the defendant would take his niece on walks near the house and coax her into sexual acts. The man would also come into her bedroom when she stayed over in the house. On one occasion he came into the bedroom and shone a light in her eyes. He took out his penis and asked if he could put it in her mouth, but she refused.


On another occasion he showed his niece a pornographic video on his phone. He made promises about giving her sweets and money and told her not to tell anyone about what he was doing.

The abuse came to light when the victim told her cousin about what had happened and this cousin then convinced her to tell her mother.

The garda said it was his view that the defendent “has not shown any remorse”. The man has no previous convictions and has not come to garda attention since.


In a victim impact statement, which was read out in court, the victim’s mother said her daughter’s “childhood has been destroyed and her innocence has been taken”.

She said her daughter found concentration hard as the abuse was always on her mind. She said her daughter had nightmares about what happened and was in constant fear of seeing her uncle.

She said the abuse had “torn our family apart” and that her parents had disowned her and her daughter. She said her daughter could not understand why her grandparents did not want to see her when she had done nothing wrong.

Bernard Madden SC, defending, said that on behalf of his client he extended an apology to the victim and her family. He said his client was of low cognitive ability and described him as a “psychologically vulnerable man”.

Mr Justice Owens remanded the man on continuing bail and adjourned the matter for sentencing on April 29th next.