Jury urged to acquit US veterans accused of trespassing at Shannon Airport

Ken Mayers (85) and Tarak Kauff (80) became anti-war activists in the 1960s

Ken Mayers (85) and Tarak Kauff (80) at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court on Wednesday. Photograph: Collins Courts

A jury in the trial of two US army veterans accused of trespass and criminal damage at Shannon Airport has been urged to “be the lamp that shows freedom lives” and acquit them both.

The jury in the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court trial of octogenarians Ken Mayers (85) and Tarak Kauff (80) started its deliberations shortly after midday on Friday.

Mr Mayers, of Monte Alte Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Mr Kauff, of Arnold Drive, Woodstock, New York, have pleaded not guilty to trespass, criminal damage and interfering with the operation, safety or management of Shannon Airport on March 17th, 2019.

The trial has heard both men served in the United States military before becoming anti-war activists in the 1960s. They are members of a US-based group called Veterans for Peace.


In their evidence to the trial this week, both defendants acknowledged cutting a hole in the fence and walking onto the airport. They said they did so to protest against the United States’ military use of Shannon as a stop-over en route to and from areas such as the Middle East, where the military is involved.

In his closing speech to the jury on Friday, Tony McGillicuddy BL, prosecuting, acknowledged the jury might have sympathy for the two defendants.

“They are sincere and honourable persons,” he said.

But Mr McGillicuddy said the jury must put sympathy aside and have regard to the law in the case.

In relation to the criminal damage counts, the jury was told it must consider whether, in damaging the fence, the accused men had an honestly held belief that their actions were justified in order to protect others.

Mr McGillicuddy said the prosecution case was that the men did not have any such lawful excuse. He said there was no evidence there were any munitions or arms on board the plane. He said there was no evidence in relation to there being a need to protect any persons.

Michael Hourigan BL, defending Mr Mayers, told the jury this was not some kind of “political posturing”, but an honestly held belief that the actions they did on the day could save lives.

In her closing speech, Carol Doherty BL, defending Mr Kauff, said he had dedicated his life to peaceful protest.

“People who go against the great can make a difference,” she said. “It’s reasonable to assume Mr Kauff and Mr Mayers might have made a difference. Hope is a powerful thing. The fact that hope wasn’t realised on this occasion doesn’t mean this action wasn’t justified.”

The trial continues before Judge Patricia Ryan.