Landlord jailed for not paying €500,000 tax on rental income

Revenue discovered man (64) was using three identities for acquiring properties

The court heard that the total loss to the Revenue Commissioners amounted to €848,444, comprising €498,949 in unpaid income tax and interest. Photograph: Kadri Oliver Alkan

A landlord has been jailed for two years for failing to pay almost €500,000 in tax on rental income received from 15 properties.

Paul Smyth (64) of Fortlawn Avenue, Clonsilla, Dublin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to failing to pay tax on rental income between 2007 and 2009.

The court heard the total loss to the Revenue Commissioners amounted to €848,444. This comprised unpaid income tax of €498,949, plus the balance in interest.

Smyth had 15 properties from which he was collecting rent between 2007 and 2009. Some of this income included rental payments from HSE tenants, while other rents were paid in cash.


Fake names

Smyth first began acquiring properties in 2002. During the investigation by Revenue, which began in 2007, it became apparent that he used three identities for acquiring properties, going by two fake names as well as his own.

During a search on October 22nd, 2009, Revenue officers found two driver's licences carrying the names Paul Jones and Daniel Smyth in vehicles outside Smyth's former residence in Co Meath. They were later found to be forgeries.

Through speaking with an accountant and solicitors working on behalf of Smyth, it became apparent that they knew him as Paul Jones.

Sheila Hanley, an officer with the Revenue Commissioners, said they found that a total of €599,760 had been lodged into in three accounts owned by Smyth between 2007-2009.

Judge Melanie Greally imposed a sentence of two years to be backdated to September 2016.