Man (23) waives right to anonymity so rapist can be named

Dylan Higgins went to Anthony Moynihan’s home as he knew he would provide cigarettes

Dylan Higgins waived his right to anonymity so his rapist, Anthony Moynihan (54), of Croccane, Rostellan, Midleton, Co Cork, could be named, has urged other abuse victims to come forward as ‘it may save lives’. Photograph: Collins Courts

A 23-year-old Cork man, who waived his right to anonymity so his rapist could be named, has urged other abuse victims to come forward as “it may save lives.”

Dylan Higgins read his own victim impact statement into the record during the sentencing of Anthony Moynihan (54) at the Central Criminal Court.

Moynihan of Croccane, Rostellan, Midleton had previously pleaded guilty to two charges of anal rape and two counts of sexually assaulting Mr Higgins on dates between September 9th, 2006 and June 27th, 2008.

Anthony Moynihan (54), of Croccane, Rostellan, Midleton, Co. Cork, leaving court yesterday after the case. He had previously pleaded guilty to raping and sexually assaulting Dylan Higgins (23) on dates between September 2006 and June 2008. Photograph: Collins Courts

The court heard that Mr Higgins, who was aged 11 and 12 at the time, called three times to Moynihan’s home because he knew the man would give him cigarettes. After the first incident of rape, Mr Higgins discarded his underwear as it was blood-stained and he didn’t want anyone to find out about the rape.


The second incident of rape occurred when he returned to Moynihan’s home a number of months later and the man asked the boy if he would have sex with him. Mr Higgins refused and complained that he had been left bleeding the last time Moynihan raped him.

The man then brought the boy into the bathroom on the pretence of applying cream to his bottom but instead he raped him.

Mr Justice Michael White remanded Moynihan on continuing bail and adjourned sentencing to June 21st. He asked that Moynihan’s medical reports, which outline his various treatments for cancer of the voice-box, be provided to the prison authorities for their consideration before the man’s ultimate remand in custody.


The judge paid tribute to Mr Higgins for his “tremendous courage” in reporting the abuse, giving his statement to the garda and giving his evidence in court.

He described Mr Higgins as an “absolutely innocent young boy” and said these crimes have a very serious impact on a young person’s life.

Mr Higgins concluded his victim impact statement by stating, “I urge people who were abused to come forward, it may save lives,” before he added that he now wants to get on with his life because he has “carried this for too long”.

Mr Higgins said his mother died in 2016, which “saddens me as she never got to know my true story”.

He said during the rape he didn’t know how to feel. “I knew it was wrong. I thought he was going to harm me,” Mr Higgins said.

He said on the second occasion he was “screaming crying”. “He knew I had a fear of him and he just forced himself on me.”

Mr Higgins described being disgusted, scared and in a lot of pain. He said he tried to hang himself.

“I still told no one. I developed an addiction and got into a lot of trouble with gardaí. I was very disappointed in myself as I knew it was not me.”

He said he didn’t want to carry the “shame” of the rape before he outlined a second attempt to take his life which he said “thankfully, failed”.

“The abuse of my body and mind caused great confusion. I felt dirty, used and abused. I was only a child and he should have had more sense,” Mr Higgins said, adding that he was relieved when Moynihan pleaded guilty.

“Everything now is out in the open. I now intend to start my new life with my partner and our family,” Mr Higgins said before he thanked his father, siblings, his partner and her parents for their support. He also thanked Det Garda Rachael McGrath to whom he reported the abuse in 2017.