Man admits trying to pervert course of justice in coercive control case

Trial told of threat to circulate compromising videos of woman if allegations not withdrawn

The trial heard the man threatened to drown the woman in a river and said he would kill her family and make her watch. File photograph: The Irish Times

A man convicted of coercive control and multiple assaults on his former partner has pleaded guilty to trying to pervert the course of justice by getting her to withdraw her statements to gardaí.

During the 52-year-old man’s trial at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court the jury heard that the man threatened to circulate videos of the woman naked to her family and on the internet if she didn’t withdraw her allegations against him.

The man who cannot be named for legal reasons, was convicted on Wednesday in the first circuit court trial for offences under the 2018 Domestic Violence Act.

On Thursday morning he pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to a separate charge of intending to pervert the course of justice in the period between March and July 2020.


The charge outlines that he engaged in telephone contact with the woman with the intention of encouraging her to withdraw her statements.

Judge Elma Sheahan remanded him in continuing custody until January 12th next.

On Wednesday, following a four week trial, the jury returned guilty verdicts on coercive control, intimidation and multiple assault charges.

The trial heard the man and the woman began a relationship in which he became controlling, answering her mobile phone and isolating her from friends and family.

He threatened to drown her in a river and said he would kill her family and make her watch. He told the woman he was “willing to do time” for her and described how he would kill her father and brother.

The woman described multiple acts of violence, including where the man broke her arm after stamping on her arm and head, dragging her around the floor by her hair, and cutting her face and neck with a pizza slicer.

The jury acquitted him of a charge of assault causing harm relating to an incident where it was alleged he had pushed his former partner down the stairs.

Risk of death

The jury also returned a not guilty verdict on a single count of endangerment which related to an allegation that he had pushed and lifted the woman towards the railings of a bridge, creating a substantial risk of death or harm to her.

During their relationship, the woman said she spent periods in Women’s Aid shelters. After the man broke her arm, hospital staff alerted gardaí­ and she gave a statement to them.

She testified that he told her he would circulate on the internet naked images and videos he had of her and send them to her family if she didn’t withdraw the allegations against him.

The judge continued an order, made during the trial, which prohibits publication of any details which might identity the man or the complainant in either the trial or this separate offence.