Man ‘beaten to death’ had over 40 injuries, pathologist says

Paul Bradley and his sons Jason, Dean and Ryan on trial for murder of Neil Reilly in Dublin

Paul Bradley (54), of Liscarne Gardens, Ronanstown, Dublin arriving at the Central Criminal Court. Photograph: Collins Courts.

A pathologist found more than 40 injuries on the body of a man who was allegedly beaten to death after he fired shots at a house, a murder trial has heard.

Dr Michael Curtis, the Deputy State Pathologist, told prosecution counsel Paul Murray SC the dead man had chop wounds to the head that caused lacerations to his brain, multiple fractured ribs, scrapes that are consistent with being dragged across a rough surface and an "extensively fractured pelvis".

Paul Bradley (54) and his sons Jason (20), Dean (24), and Ryan (18), of Liscarne Gardens, Dublin 22, have all pleaded not guilty to the murder of Neil Reilly (36) at Esker Glebe in Lucan, Dublin on January 18th, 2017. They are on trial at the Central Criminal Court.

The crushed pelvis, the pathologist said, is consistent with being run over while other injuries to the chest could have been caused by being run over but could also be the result of efforts to resuscitate the dying man.


‘Moving vehicle’

Dr Curtis said the scrapes and abrasions reinforced the suggestion that he was run over and “dragged or rolled by a moving vehicle”.

He concluded that Mr Reilly suffered seven blows with a chopping type implement including two to the head that caused injuries to the brain. A similar implement was used to cause injuries to the arms, back and shoulder.

These were “very severe, life threatening injuries,” Dr Curtis said.

Mr Reilly’s death was caused by chop injuries to the skull and sharp force injuries to the torso and upper limbs. The crush injuries to the pelvis were also life threatening, he said, as such injuries can cause bleeding and other problems.

Under cross examination, he agreed with defence counsel for Paul Bradley, Brendan Grehan SC, that there is no evidence of any kick injuries.

He further agreed that there were no “bumper fractures” to suggest that the deceased was knocked down before being run over.

A toxicology report showed that Mr Reilly had drugs in his system, including a substantial amount of cocaine, heroin, methadone and codeine.

The pathologist agreed with Caroline Biggs SC, for Ryan Bradley, that there was no indication Mr Reilly was run over more than once. The trial continues in front of Mr Justice Paul Coffey and a jury of six women and six men.