Man caught by vigilante ‘sting’ trying to contact child for sexual exploitation

Paul Fanning (59) arranged to meet ‘Ali’ in Merrion Square but was confronted by group

Paul Fanning (59), formerly of Holles Row, Dublin 2, was sentenced to six months in prison. File photograph: Collins Courts

A man who was caught trying to communicate with a child for sexual exploitation by a vigilante “sting” operation has been jailed for six months.

Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Paul Fanning (59) asked for sexually explicit images from dating website profiles he believed belonged to two teenage girls. The accounts were decoys set up by a group called “Emerald Hunters Ireland” in order to find potential paedophiles, the court heard.

Fanning initiated contact with the accounts and in both cases the communication became graphically sexual in nature fairly quickly, Detective Garda David Ganley testified.

In February 10th last year (2018) Fanning asked ‘Ali’, whose profile stated she was 13 years old, to meet up and go for pizza.


He also suggested she could go back to his place and “have some hot sexy fun with me?”. An arrangement was made to meet the following afternoon in Merrion Square park.

When Fanning went there he was confronted by members of the vigilante group who recognised him from his online profile photograph. He admitted he was in the park to meet the child and this confrontation was broadcast live on Facebook.

The group contacted gardaí­ and said they were detaining a “paedophile”. The detectives who arrived at the scene were given print outs of telephone text and social media conversations between Fanning and the fake profiles.

Fanning denied his intention was to have sex with “Ali” but admitted he believed the accounts were for underage girls.

Fanning, formerly of Holles Row, Dublin city, pleaded guilty to attempting to communicate with a child for purposes of facilitating sexual exploitation of a child on dates between January 30th and February 11th 2018.

Judge Pauline Codd said that the courts must condemn the type of predatory behaviour and children must be protected.

She noted that loneliness led Fanning to go online at the time while he was recuperating from a heart attack. A psychological assessment places him at a moderate to low risk of re-offending.

Judge Codd said a Probation Service officer had accepted his expressions of remorse and shame as genuine and noted he now acknowledged the distress and harm his behaviour could cause to children.

The judge imposed a two and half year sentence but suspended two years of this on condition that Fanning undergo appropriate therapy.

Oisin Clarke BL, defending, said the type of group who set up this sting were more prevalent in the UK where they had been the cause of some concern to investigating authorities.

He said his client’s name and address were published online by the group and his house was subsequently attacked. His car was damaged and he was threatened.

He has moved out of the home he lived in for four decades and lost his job after 18 years of employment. He said his client had been remorseful from the very beginning and had lost everything.

He said that a psychological assessment stated Fanning was not predatory in behaviour and was unlikely to specifically seek out children. The Badoo dating website used in the sting is a dating website for adults.