Man jailed for three years for sex with girl (15) groomed online

Conor O’Keefe set up a fake social media profile and started chatting with the victim

Conor O’Keefe (26) pretended to be a teenage girl called “Julie” on the website and started chatting with a girl (15) who he later had sex with. Photograph: Collins.

A man has been jailed for three years for having sex with a 15-year-old girl he met after grooming her using a fake social media profile.

Conor O'Keefe (26) set up a profile as a teenage girl called "Julie" on the website Tagged. com and started chatting with the victim.

He later claimed he was Julie’s older brother “Adam” and persuaded the girl to get a taxi to his house in the early hours of the morning where they had sex.

Judge Sarah Berkeley called it a "sinister" offence which highlights the dangers of social media "and the opportunity it creates."


She noted that there was no threat, force or coercion used against the girl and that she was a “willing participant”.

However, she said O’Keefe put pressure on her by expressing disappointment when she was reluctant to perform sexual acts.

“I do not attribute any blame to her in any way,” Judge Berkeley said. “She was a child at the time and is entitled to the protection of the courts.”

The judge noted O’Keefe knew she was a virgin and told her she had to select one of three options: sexual intercourse, oral sex or masturbation.

The court heard he set up the profile out of “loneliness and isolation” and that he had a “somewhat difficult childhood.

O'Keefe of Oakdale Close, Ballycullen pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to sex with a child in July 2011. He was found guilty of a further count of sexual exploitation of a child by a jury last month following a three-day trial.

He was to be sentenced last November but the case was adjourned as O’Keefe’s partner had given birth to their first child the day before. O’Keefe, an apprentice plumber, has no previous convictions and is now on the sex offenders register. He was 22-years-old at the time of the offences.

The court heard he is taking part in therapy and the “Safer Lives” programme which is run by the Probation Service.

Defence counsel, Damien Colgan SC, handed in a probation report and a psychological report and asked the court to consider non-custodial options. O’Keefe faced a maximum possible sentence of 14 years imprisonment.

Calling it a grave and serious offence, Judge Berkeley imposed a five year sentence with the final two years suspended for two years.