Woman accused of murdering a two-year-old to go on trial

Woman accused of murdering child in the south of the country in 2019

The trial is expected to last four weeks. File photograph: Dave Meehan/The Irish Times

A woman accused of murdering a two-year-old child in the south of the country will go on trial at the Central Criminal Court in September.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will go on trial in Waterford on September 13th charged with murdering the child on July 5th, 2019. The court heard on Thursday that the case could last up to four weeks.

She was due to go on trial at the Central Criminal Court in February but the case was postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions as the courts were not swearing-in new juries to hear trials.

At the last hearing of the case in February, the court also imposed an order anonymising the accused woman after a defence application.