Case against Fine Gael county councillor further adjourned

Assault allegation against John McGahon is denied, Dundalk District Court hears

John McGahon is to fully defend the assault charge, the Co Louth court has been told. Photograph: John McGahon/Facebook

The case against a Fine Gael county councillor who denies an assault charge has been further adjourned at Dundalk District Court.

The allegation against the accused, John McGahon (28) of Faughart Gardens, St Patrick’s Terrace, Dundalk, is denied, his solicitor told Judge John Coughlan on Wednesday.

An earlier court heard Mr McGahon would fully defend the charge.

Mr McGahon faces a single charge alleging he assaulted another man causing him harm at Park Street, on June 6th, 2018.


Judge Coughlan on Wednesday adjourned the case and asked to be provided with an updated medical report.

The court heard that the DPP had consented to the matter being dealt with in the District Court.

It was adjourned to September 25th.