David McSavage convicted and fined over TV licence arrears

Comic previously told judge he was against paying over way RTÉ spends taxpayers’ money

Comic David McSavage, star of TV’s The Savage Eye, was summonsed by An Post for not having a television licence at his address at Kingsland Parade in Dublin 8 on May 7th last year. File photograph: Courts Collins

Comedian David McSavage has been convicted and fined €125 for not paying TV licence arrears.

The Savage Eye star was summonsed by An Post for not having a television licence at his address at Kingsland Parade in Dublin 8 on May 7th last year.

He told Judge John O’Neill at a previous hearing in Dublin District Court last April he was against paying because of his grievance with the way RTÉ spend taxpayers’ money.

However, it transpired a licence in his name had been purchased at the end of March and his case was adjourned until today for €115 in arrears to be cleared.


When the case resumed, a TV licence inspector agreed with prosecuting counsel Rita Walsh that while a licence had been taken out on March 31st last, there was no record of the arrears being paid.

Not present

Judge O’Neill noted McSavage (50) was not present for the proceedings.

“Very well, no appearance, convict and fine €125,” he ordered.

He also ruled the comedian would have to pay the fine within three months along with an additional €50 in legal costs.

When McSavage appeared in court in April, a TV licence inspector told Judge O’Neill he called to the entertainer’s home on May 7th last year and found McSavage was in possession of a television set but had no licence.

McSavage told the judge: “The reason I didn’t pay it is I have genuine concerns as to the use RTÉ makes of taxpayers’ money. I have expressed these concerns in other forums and I’ve been advised to pay the fine.”

As of 2009, McSavage wrote and starred in a TV series called The Savage Eye for RTÉ, which was nominated for Ifta awards, best entertainment series and best director. Four series of the show were filmed by RTÉ 2 up to 2014.