Extra charges for man charged over rape of Spanish student

Victim (18) allegedly brought to waste ground in Ringsend and assaulted repeatedly

The former Irish Glass Bottle site at Ringsend. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Two additional rape charges have been brought against a 24-year-old man accused of a sex attack and false imprisonment of a Spanish student in Dublin.

The young woman, aged 18, who had just come to Ireland in recent months to live with a host family had been in Dublin on July 15th when she was allegedly brought to waste ground in the city's southside and raped.

The accused, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was originally charged with rape, false imprisonment and threat to kill or cause serious harm to the woman at the Irish Glass Bottle site, in Ringsend in south Dublin.

The man, who was described by his lawyer as having a significant history of mental problems, made no bail application at his first hearing on July 21st.


He faced his fifth hearing on Friday when he appeared again before Judge Victor Blake at Cloverhill District Court.

Three fresh charges were brought against the man in connection with the incident: two additional counts of raping the woman and one charge for sexually assaulting her between July 15th and July 16th

Garda Bryan Hunt told the judge he charged the accused at 10.10am at the courthouse.

Garda Hunt said he "was cautioned after each charge and made no reply to any of the charges". He also told the court that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has directed that he face trial on indictment on all matters.

Garda Hunt said that there are now six offences before the court and “they all related to the same incident.” A book of evidence will be prepared and and a full file has been submitted to the DPP, he also told the court.

Defence counsel Jane Horgan-Jones told Judge Blake there was no application for bail.

The defendant, who sat silently throughout the hearing, has not yet indicated how he would plead.

Judge Blake remanded him in custody to appear again next week for mention and for a book of evidence to be prepared.