Garda faces further charges of disclosing information

Jimell Henry (34) is accused of revealing personal data obtained during her duties

A Garda before the courts on seven counts of disclosing information obtained in the course of her duties was further charged on Thursday under the Data Protection Acts. File photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

A Garda before the courts on seven counts of disclosing information obtained in the course of her duties was further charged on Thursday under the Data Protection Acts.

Garda Jimell Henry (34), of Cairns Hill, Sligo, is now facing 15 charges in total.

She has been remanded on continuing bail until June 23rd, when she will be served with the book of evidence.

Det Insp Jim Delaney told Sligo District Court that when he put seven further charges to the defendant before the court sitting she responded “no reply” to each count.


The garda faces charges of disclosing personal data and information to another without the proper authority at locations in Dublin and Mullingar in 2014 and 2015.

Cocaine charge

At a previous court sitting, Ms Henry was also charged with one count of possession of cocaine at Tullynagracken North, in Sligo, on January 16th, 2015.

Judge Kevin Kilraine previously remanded the accused on her own bail of €500 and one independent surety of €10,000.

She was ordered to surrender her passport, to remain in the jurisdiction and not to interfere with any known witness.

Marese McDonagh

Marese McDonagh

Marese McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, reports from the northwest of Ireland