Jackie Healy-Rae (23) and two others in court over Kenmare assault

Solicitor for defendants said all matters will be contested; District Court judge accepts jurisdiction

Brothers Kevin and Jackie Healy-Rae arrive with their solicitor Pádraig O’Connell at Kenmare District Cout on Friday. Photograph: Michelle Cooper Galvin

Jackie Healy-Rae (23), a candidate in the local elections in Kerry, has appeared in court charged with assaulting a 30-year-old English visitor in Kenmare over a year ago.

The son and parliamentary assistant of TD Michael Healy-Rae is contesting a seat in the Castleisland area in next month’s local elections.

His younger brother Kevin Healy-Rae is a co-accused, along with another Kilgarvan man.

Kenmare District Court heard Jackie Healy-Rae is accused of assaulting Kieran James (30) causing him harm on December 28th 2017 at Main Street, Kenmare contrary to Section 3 of the non-fatal Offences Against the Person Act. He is also accused of a common or Section 2 assault on Mr James, at East Park Lane, Kenmare.


Kevin Healy-Rae (22) is accused of assaulting Kieran James causing him harm at Main Street, Kenmare.Both Healy Rae brothers have addresses at Sandymount, Kilgarvan.

A third man, Malachy Scannell (34) of Inchinacoosh, Kilgarvan, is also accused of a Section 3 assault against Mr James on the same date at Main Street, Kenmare. He is also accused of assaulting another man, Cornelius O’Sullivan, and damaging a pair of prescription glasses belonging to Mr O’Sullivan.

Solicitor for the three defendants, Padraig O’Connell, said all matters will be contested in due course.

Sergeant Miriam Mulhall Nolan told the court the DPP, had directed “summary disposal” .

Judge David Waters asked for the medical report on the matter. After reading the report he said he would accept jurisdiction.

He enquired as to the nature of criminal damage allegation and the sergeant told him that it was a case of “glasses being knocked off the face in the course of an altercation.” Judge Waters adjourned the matter to June to set a hearing date for the District Court.