Loyalist accused of painting road signs red, white and blue

Convicted sex offender Mark Harbinson faces two charges of causing criminal damage

Prominent loyalist and convicted sex offender Mark Harbinson has been accused of causing criminal damage to road signs by painting them red, white and blue. File photograph: iStockphoto

Prominent loyalist and convicted sex offender Mark Harbinson was on Monday accused of causing criminal damage to road signs by painting them red, white and blue.

Harbinson (48) was not in Lisburn Magistrates Court as his solicitor Aiden Carlin revealed he had asked the prosecution to review their decision to prosecute him.

Harbinson faces two charges of causing criminal damage to road signs belonging to Transport NI on dates between September 9th-15th last year.

A prosecuting lawyer confirmed the PPS had received a letter from the defence and asked for the case to be adjourned to allow time for a review to be conducted.


Judge Peter King relisted the case on June 6th.