Man accused over looting of Lidl store in Tallaght refused bail

Liam Walsh charged with handling €1,400 of stolen goods taken from raided supermarket

Gardaí at the Lidl store in Fortunestown Lane,Tallaght after it was looted. Photograph: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos

A man has been refused bail after he was charged with handling €1,400 of stolen goods taken during looting at a Lidl supermarket in Dublin.

During last week's snow storm, the shop at Fortunestown Lane in Tallaght was extensively damaged after it was raided.

Liam Walsh (26), from Ard Mor Drive, Tallaght, appeared at Dublin District Court on Wednesday charged under the Theft and Fraud Act.

Mr Walsh, who is accused of handling stolen property taken from the supermarket, made no reply when charged, Garda Stephen Murray told Judge Grainne O’Neill.


Objecting to bail due to the seriousness of the offence, Garda Murray told the court that on March 2nd, the Lidl supermarket was burgled and “extensive damage was caused by a large excavator”. Numerous videos appeared on social media showing the building collapse, he said.

Gardaí learned that perishable as well as electrical goods were stored in the back bedroom and in the kitchen of Mr Walsh’s home, it was alleged.

A search warrant was obtained resulting in the goods being recovered, the court heard.

Black sacks

They were found in several black sacks, Garda Murray said.

The court heard that Walsh, who is unemployed, lived at the house with his partner and their child and was arrested on Tuesday and detained for five hours before he was charged.

Garda Murray said that he expected that given the circumstances the case would go to the circuit court. He also cited fears that if bailed, the accused would not answer the charge, which can result in a sentence of up to 10 years.

The garda said it was his belief the accused intended to sell the stolen goods.

Defence solicitor Michael French suggested that given the value of the goods, it was more likely that the case would remain in the district court. He submitted that other people had access to the house.

Mr Walsh, who was wearing grey jeans and black jumper, denied the charge, his solicitor said.

Mr French said his client could be trusted to turn up for his trial and that there had been a “media furore” about the incidents. Pleading for bail, he argued that the charge had been brought prematurely and the investigation was still ongoing.

Other people still had to be interviewed and the evidence was circumstantial, he submitted.

Judge O'Neill refused bail and remanded Mr Walsh, who did not address the court, in custody to appear at Cloverhill District Court on March 13th. Legal aid was granted.

Last Saturday, nine other men appeared at the district court and faced a range of charges in connection with the raiding and looting at the Lidl and a break-in at a nearby Centra shop. Six were released on bail while the remaining three were remanded in custody.