Probation for man who sought sex acts from hospital patients

Tallaght Court told conduct of Gerard Nolan (33) out of character due to heavy medication

The case of a man who asked patients in Tallaght Hospital to perform sexual acts on him has been dealt with under the Probation Act. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill.

The case of a man who asked patients in Tallaght Hospital to perform sexual acts on him has been dealt with under the Probation Act.

Judge John Lindsay heard atb Tallaght Court that Gerard Nolan had been on heavy medication at the time and had no memory of the incident.

Nolan (33), of Killininny House, Firhouse Road, Dublin 24, admitted to engaging in threatening and abusive behaviour at the hospital on March 12th last.

Sgt Michael Ahern told the court that on the above date officers had arrested Nolan under the Mental Health Act. They had taken him to Tallaght Hospital, where he agreed to be admitted as a voluntary patient.


The hospital refused to accept him because he had only been released from hospital that morning. Nolan began shouting at patients and asking them to perform sexual acts on him. He also shouted at a small child.

Sgt Ahern said Nolan had seven previous convictions, mostly for public order matters.

Nolan’s counsel, Gabby Deane, said her client had serious mental health issues. She said he was involved in a serious accident in 2007 and suffered injuries to his brain and back and was constantly on medication.

The court heard Nolan was “a very gentle person” and being abusive to a child was completely “out of character” .