Teen girl downloaded hundreds of videos of child sexual abuse, court hears

The court heard she ‘was groomed at the age of 10 in relation to this type of behaviour’

The girl has been charged with two offences under the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act

A then 15-year-old girl downloaded hundreds of videos and images of infants and young children raped and tortured, a court has heard.

Now aged 17, she appeared at the Dublin Children’s Court on Monday just after gardaí charged her with two offences under the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act.

The court heard it was alleged the teen believed paedophilia was an acceptable sexuality and that she could access the dark web, using a specialised internet browser to reach hidden sites online.

She is accused of possessing 348 images and 196 videos classified as category one, graphically featuring sexual activity. She cannot be named because she is a minor.


The investigation commenced after the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the United States contacted Irish authorities in 2019.

Insp Conor Ó Braonáin told district court president Judge Paul Kelly that the girl "made no reply to charge".

Questioned by defence solicitor Eoghan O’Sullivan, Insp Ó Braonáin agreed the girl had been attending Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.


The court heard she “was groomed at the age of 10 in relation to this type of behaviour”. It came to the attention of social workers in 2015 following concerns she had been sexually exploited online.

Refusing jurisdiction, however, Judge Kelly said it was clearly too serious for the Children's Court. He adjourned the case for the Director of Public Prosecutions to complete a book of evidence for her trial.

Inspector Ó Braonáin also objected to bail due to the seriousness of the case. Her solicitor pleaded with the court to impose strict bail conditions, including banning her from having or using any internet-capable device.

Judge Kelly agreed to make that one of the bail terms. He also warned her that she must not leave her accommodation unaccompanied or apply for a passport.

The girl spoke twice during the hearing, saying “yes” when asked if she understood the bail terms and that breaking them could result in being detained.