Three men have appeared in court in connection with the alleged posting of threatening videos on social media.
Alan Joyce (22), Bernard Joyce (49) and John Joyce (26), all of Blackberry Lane, Athlone, were charged with breaching Section 6 of the Public Order Act at Jim’s Field, Montree, Athlone on October 16th last.

Alan Joyce and John Joyce were further charged at Mullingar District Court on Friday with possession of articles and knives, contrary to Section 9 (1) and (7) of the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act, on the same occasion.
Bernard Joyce was charged with having a sharply pointed knife at the same location on the same date.
Garda Niall Smyth gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution in relation to Alan Joyce and John Joyce while Garda Gavin Conway gave evidence of arresting Bernard Joyce.
Sgt Kevin O’Brien said he was not objecting to bail.
However, a number of conditions were imposed on the three accused included that they sign on daily at Athlone Garda station, reside at addresses provided to the court, observe a curfew between 10pm and 7am, remain contactable on mobile phone numbers provided to gardaí and surrender their passports.
The three were ordered to provide cash bail of €500 and to desist from making videos and posting them on social media.
Judge Flann Brennan granted free legal aid to all three accused and remanded them on bail to appear before Athlone District Court on December 18th next.