Three men charged in Roscommon over attacks on sex workers

Ioan Galben and Andre Tiganasu viewed as ‘high flight risks’, Samuel Pop also in custody

Roscommon court house.

Three men who were arrested by gardaí investigating a number of attacks on sex workers appeared at a special sitting of Roscommon District Court on Thursday.

Ioan Galben (37), Warrestown Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin; Andre Tiganasu (33), Garryknock, Carpenterstown, Dublin; and Samuel Pop (25), Charnwood Court, Clonsilla, Dublin were remanded in custody to appear before Harristown District Court in Castlerea on Friday.

Each was charged with theft under Section 14 of the Criminal Justice Theft and Fraud Offenses Act 2001 and with the possession of an offensive weapon contrary to Section 11 of the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act 1990 at a property in Roscommon town on October 28th last.

A Romanian interpreter was engaged in the cases concerning Mr Galben and Mr Tiganasu.


Applications for bail in respect of Mr Galben and Mr Tiganasu were both refused by Judge Mary Cashin. No application for bail was made in respect of Mr Pop.

Objecting to bail, Sgt Mark Mahon of Roscommon Garda Station said both Mr Galben and Mr Tiganasu had no ties to the State and were, as a result, “high flight risks”. He said gardaí had also concerns that both accused would attempt to interfere with witnesses.

In refusing to grant bail, the judge said there was “a reasonable probability” both accused would not stand trial if granted bail, having taken into account the seriousness of the charges before the court, the evidence supporting the charges, the likely sentence if convicted and the State’s objections.

While no application for bail was made in respect of Mr Pop, Sgt Mahon requested the accused be remanded in custody to appear before Harristown District Court on Friday, which was granted by Judge Cashin.