Two hurlers appear in court charged with public order offences

Conor Whelan (22) and Ronan Burke (22) remanded on bail until June

Dublin’s Cian O’Callaghan and Conor Whelan of Galway: The Galway player has been charged with public order offences. Photograph: ©INPHO/James Crombie

Two Galway hurlers have appeared before Galway District Court charged with public order offences.

Inter-county hurler and 2017 All Ireland medal winner Conor Whelan (22), from Carnamadra, Kinvara, and co-accused, Ronan Burke (22), from Coole, Gort, both face charges of wilfully obstructing Garda Damian Walsh in the execution of his duty at Cross Street, Galway on January 22nd last, contrary to Section 19 of the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994.

The pair are also charged with using or engaging in threatening, abusive and insulting words or behaviour, with intent to provoke a breach of the peace on the same occasion, contrary to Section 6 of the same Act.

They are further charged with failing to comply with directions from Garda Walsh to leave the area when told to do so on the same date, contrary to Section 8 of the Act.


Gearoid Geraghty, solicitor, informed the court he represented Mr Whelan.

Judge Mary Fahy appointed solicitor Valerie Corcoran to represent Mr Burke under the Free Legal Aid Scheme after he told the court he had just started a new job in insurance and would not be getting paid for five to six weeks.

She directed Garda statements and CCTV, if available, be sent to both solicitors and remanded both accused on continuing bail to appear back before the court again in June, listing the case for mention only at that stage.