Two women to stand trial over Dublin murder

Ian Quinn (32) was found dead at his apartment in Annaly Grove, Ongar, in May 2014

Two women are to stand trial charged with the murder of a man who was found dead in his apartment in Dublin. File photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Two women are to stand trial charged with the murder of a man who was found dead in his apartment in Dublin.

Anna Marie Pezzillo (33), who is of no fixed abode, and Rachel Comiskey (34), with an address at Dodsboro Cottages, Lucan, Co Dublin, were arrested on Wednesday afternoon.

They were charged with the murder of Ian Quinn (32) at his apartment in Block B, Annaly Grove, Ongar, Dublin 15, between May 30th and May 31st, 2014.

Mr Quinn was originally from Donomore Park in Tallaght, Dublin.


Later on Wednesday, the two women were brought to appear before Judge David McHugh at Blanchardstown District Court.

Garda Paul Kirwan and Det Sgt Daniel Callaghan gave evidence of their arrest.

The gardaí told the judge that each woman had “no reply” when charged and that there was an application to remand them in custody for one week.

A book of evidence has yet to be completed by the prosecution.

Ms Pezzillo, who was represented by solicitor John O’Doherty, and Ms Comiskey, who was represented by solicitor Kelly Breen, were both granted free legal aid by the court.


The two women remained silent during the brief hearing and neither defendant has indicated how they will plead.

The women will face their next hearing at the district court on January 17th.

Bail cannot be granted in the district court in a murder case and the pair will have to make an application to the High Court to get released pending trial.

An inquest into the cause of Mr Quinn’s death was opened in November 2014 but was adjourned pending the outcome of criminal proceedings.