Ex-Sinn Féin councillor and his father face weapons charges

Jonathan and Patrick Dowdall accused of having guns, plotting to hold man hostage

Jonathan Dowdall

A former Sinn Féin councillor and his father have appeared at the Special Criminal Court charged with firearms offences and intent to commit false imprisonment.

Jonathan Dowdall (37) and Patrick Dowdall (59) were arrested on Tuesday evening by members of the Special Detective Unit.

Jonathan Dowdall, with an address at Navan Road, Dublin 7 and Patrick Dowdall, with the same address, were charged at an out-of-hours sitting of the court with possession of “what appeared to be a sawn-off shotgun and a .44 calibre Magnum revolver” at their home address on January 15th, 2015.

Both men were also charged with the intent to commit the offence of false imprisonment of Alexander Hurley, on the same date.


Det Sgt Padraig Boyce, of the Special Detective Unit, told State Solicitor Michael O’Donovan that he arrested Jonathan Dowdall on Tuesday afternoon in Clontarf, Dublin 3.

He said he explained to Mr Dowdall the reason for his arrest in ordinary language and cautioned him.

Mr Dowdall made no reply, the court heard.

The detective sergeant detained Mr Dowdall at Clontarf Garda Station and told him he would be taken before the next sitting of the Special Criminal Court 1 where he would be charged with the offences.

Derek Cooney BL, for Jonathan Dowdall, said there was no application for bail at this juncture.

Det Garda Colm Finnerty, of the Special Detective Unit, told State Solicitor Michael O’Donovan he arrested Patrick Dowdall on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm outside Swords Garda Station, Co Dublin.

He said he explained to Mr Dowdall the reason for his arrest in ordinary language and cautioned him.

The court was told Patrick Dowdall said at the time of arrest: “I didn’t use any firearms on anybody, I never used a firearm in my life.”

Det Garda Finnerty detained Mr Dowdall at Swords Station and told him he would be taken before the next sitting of the Special Criminal Court 1 where he would be charged with the offences.

Annemarie Lawlor BL, for Patrick Dowdall, told the court that the DPP had no objection to the granting of legal aid.

The barrister also asked for a transcript of the hearing before Friday.

Ms Lawlor then told the court that both men were on prescribed medication and asked that the warrant reflect this.

Mr Justice Tony Hunt, presiding with Judge Flann Brennan and Judge Ann Ryan, remanded both men in custody to Portlaoise Prison until Friday morning, May 27th, when bail applications are expected to be made.

An order was made that both accused be charged and tried before Special Criminal Court 1.