Accountant alleged to have diverted €161,000 charity funds for own use

Court told Greg Walsh not providing Carline Learning Centre with information as promised

An accountant alleged to have diverted some €161,000 of a State-funded charity’s funds for his own use is not co-operating enough over his promises to provide information, the High Court has heard.

An accountant alleged to have diverted some €161,000 of a State-funded charity's funds for his own use is not co-operating enough over his promises to provide information, the High Court has heard.

Greg Walsh, of Walsh and Co Accountants, Walkinstown, Dublin, is alleged to have diverted funds belonging to Carline Learning Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin, which provides education and training for teenagers.

He is the treasurer as well as accountant to the charity.

After Carline brought proceedings seeking a number of orders, including preventing him from disposing of or dissipating assets, he gave undertakings to the court and promised to meet Carline representatives to provide information sought.


Eamon Marry BL, for Carline, said Mr Walsh had undertaken to fully co-operate but had not done so.

Peter Connolly, solicitor for Mr Walsh, said some information had been provided but his client was "doing his homework" as the matters involved went back to 2014.

He hoped to have an affidavit ready to file in court next week and there had been some progress but he needed more time, the solicitor said.

Mr Justice Paul Gilligan said he understood if the parties met there might not have been any need for an affidavit.

He was not going to “parse undertakings” but said Mr Walsh’s lawyer needed to have the affidavit filed by next Monday. The case is due back in court in a week.