Agency secures order to place teen at risk from drug dealers in secure placement

Child and Family Agency tells court teenager was under threat of violence from gang

The Child and Family Agency has secured a High Court order allowing it to place a 14-year-old boy feared to be at risk of violence from drug dealers into secure unit for troubled teens.

The teenager, who has a history of engaging in aggressive behaviour and absconding from several places he had been put by the agency, is thought to have been involved in some level of drug dealing himself.

It was now feared by the Child and Family Agency that the teen was under threat of physical violence from a gang of older youths involved in drug dealing, and that the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had been taking drugs himself.

As a result of the threat to his well-being, and other risky behaviour, the boy has engaged in, including associating with a negative peer group, the agency sought orders allowing it to detain him in a secure location so he can get the help and supports he needs.


Seeking the order at the High Court David Leahy BL, instructed by solicitor Conor Fottrell of Mason Hayes and Curran, for the Child and Family Agency said the teen has had “a very difficult life.”

He had come to the agency’s attention when he was very young, and was first made the subject of care arrangements when he was six.

All his placements, which included a period in foster care and placements at non-secure facilities had broken down, counsel said.

Both his parents had used heroin, counsel said. While in the care of family members the boy was subject to physical abuse and had been exposed to sexualised behaviour, counsel said.

More recently the teen, when in other placements, had been violent and aggressive towards staff at the units, counsel added, particularly when his access to wifi was limited.

The temporary order allowing the Child and Family Agency detain the teen and put him in the special care unit was granted, on an ex-parte basis by Mr Justice Mark Sanfey.

The judge also appointed a guardian at litem to represent the teen’s interests and adjourned the case to a date later this month.