Boy (9) settles action over Dublin Bus crash eye injury for €55,000

Cillian Hanna hurt after glass shattered when double-decker was struck by lorry

A boy who suffered an eye injury when glass shattered around him after a lorry struck the Dublin Bus in which he was travelling has settled his High Court action for €55,000. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times.

A boy who suffered an eye injury when glass shattered around him after a lorry struck the bus in which he was travelling has settled his High Court action for €55,000.

Cillian Hanna was nine-years-old and sitting in the lower deck of a Dublin Bus when the incident happened at Charlestown on Dublin’s northside.

Cillian, of Ballygall Parade, Finglas, Dublin, sued, through his mother Siobhán Hayden, Dublin Bus and Liseenan Transport Ltd of Castleblayney, Co Monaghan as a result of the December 12th, 2014 incident.

It was claimed that there was a failure to keep any or any proper lookout and a failure to anticipate the accident. It was further claimed there was failure to yield right of way to another vehicle on the road. The claims were denied.


The court heard Cillian was travelling in the bus when it was struck violently by a lorry. He was sitting beside a window, was jolted and particles of glass shattered around him. He later had blurred vision and was referred to an opthalmologist, who found he had scarring and a 5 per cent reduction in vision in his left eye.

His counsel, Richard McDonnell SC, said the condition of Cillian’s eye will not improve with glasses.

Approving the settlement, Mr Justice Kevin Cross said it was a reasonable one and told the boy the award would be kept for him until he turns 18, when the court hoped he would put it to good use.