Canadian tourist sues over fall on Dublin sight-seeing bus

Susan Riches (63) claims she suffers post concussion syndrome and has migraines

Susan Riches from Ontario, Canada at the Four Courts in Dublin. Photograph: Collins Courts

A Canadian tourist who fell down the stairs of a double decker tourist bus in Dublin when, she claims, it jerked after allegedly pulling in for St Patrick’s Cathedral has sued for damages in the High Court.

Retired real estate administrator Susan Riches (63) claims she now suffers post concussion syndrome and has regular migraines after being propelled down the stairs, hitting her head, suffering lacerations to her face, and breaking a finger.

Mr Justice Bernard Barton was told her case was that she was thrown headlong down the stairs. She was later diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. She claims she suffered nightmares and flashbacks and now has a significant fear of stairs and escalators.

In opposing her claim, the bus operators and owners have claimed the bus had not stopped at the cathedral but was stopped in traffic and had not reached the tour stop. They say it was an unfortunate accident and claim it was Ms Riches’s fault.


Ms Riches and her husband Patrick were in Dublin for the first time on the last leg of a transatlantic cruise which had started in Miami and had taken in the Azores and Irish ports.

In evidence, Ms Riches told the court they docked in Dublin and got a Hop On, Hop Off tourist bus on April 30th, 2018. “At St Patrick’s Cathedral I headed for the stairs. I took a step and the bus turned and jerked and I flew through the air,” she said.

She added: “I felt the bus turned. It propelled me forward. I hit my face. I ended up on the floor of the bus. I felt in shock and I was bleeding.”

She said the driver did not have bandages or a phone to call an ambulance but had helped take her off the bus. She said a Romanian nurse called an ambulance and she was brought to hospital.

She was there about 13 hours until the early hours and got a flight home later that day. In cross-examination for the defendants, Finbarr Fox SC put it to Ms Riches that the driver had communicated to passengers to remain in their seats until the bus stops .

Ms Riches replied: “I don’t remember that. I was really taken with Dublin and the sights.”

Ms Riches, Oliver’s Road, Bobcaygeon, Ontario, has sued the owners and operators of the tourist bus, Last Bus Ltd and Citi Bus Ltd, both with offices at Moorhill House, Brannockstown, Co Kildare; and Park Fly Ltd and Dockstop Ltd, both with offices at South Bank House, Barrow Street, Dublin.

She claims the bus suddenly and without warning moved, jerked or jolted violently and she fell down the stairs. She has alleged failure to have regard for the safety of passengers disembarking from the bus. She has also alleged failure to warn the passengers the bus was going to be further moved as they disembarked. The claims are denied and it is pleaded there was contributory negligence on the part of Ms Riches and she should have had regard for her own safety. The case continues on Thursday.