Defamatory Facebook posts about Ugandan lawyer removed, court told

Judge had declined order to reveal blogger’s identity and location

Mr Justice Donald Binchy declined to grant such an order after accepted Facebook’s arguments that TVO’s life or physical safety might be in danger from the Ugandan authorities should this happen.

Defamatory posts about a Ugandan lawyer who has brought proceedings against Facebook Ireland have been removed, the High Court has heard.

Last month, a blogger who goes under the pseudonym TVO (Tom Voltaire Okwalinga) was ordered to remove the posts about Fred Muwema, including ones claiming Mr Muwema accepted bribes, after the court found they were defamatory.

Mr Muwema had wanted Facebook to reveal TVO’s identity and location so he could sue him for defamation.

Mr Justice Donald Binchy declined to grant such an order after accepted Facebook's arguments that TVO's life or physical safety might be in danger from the Ugandan authorities should this happen.


However, given his finding the material was defamatory, the judge directed it should be removed within two weeks or Mr Muewma could renew his application seeking TVO's identity.

On Thursday, the judge was told the TVO posts had been removed.

He was also told a fake TVO page still exists even though the person running it had also been informed of the court decision.

Rossa Fanning SC, for Facebook, said the fake page may actually be run by someone who is supportive of the Ugandan government. Facebook was prepared to provide details on who was behind this page, he said.

Mr Fanning said Mr Muwema has also lodged an appeal against last month's High Court decision refusing to reveal the true TVO's identity.

Andrew Walker BL, for Mr Muwema asked that Facebook provide details of what communications there had been with the fake TVO.

Mr Fanning said his client could probably provide a letter detailing this.

Mr Justice Binchy granted the order against the fake TVO blogger. He was also told Facebook was not making any application for costs in relation to the latest matter.