Girl settles action over ‘noxious fumes’ at waterpark for €40,000

Court told Lauren Lodge suffered temporary exacerbation of asthma after Funtasia incident in 2016

A girl who claimed to have suffered a temporary exacerbation of her asthma condition after a noxious fumes incident at a waterpark has settled her High Court action for €40,000. Photograph: iStock

A girl who claimed to have suffered a temporary exacerbation of her asthma condition after a noxious fumes incident at a waterpark has settled her High Court action for €40,000.

Lauren Lodge was 11 when the chlorine incident happened at the Funtasia Waterpark in Co Louth as she visited the swimming pool area with her family, her counsel Michael Byrne SC told the High Court.

Mr Byrne, instructed by Keith Walsh Solicitors, said there appeared to be excessive noxious fumes while Lauren was in the pool area six years ago and it was their case that this caused a temporary exacerbation of the girl’s asthma.

Lauren, of Blackcastle Demesne, Slane Road, Navan, Co Meath, had through her mother Maeve Lodge sued Vinmoe Traders Ltd, trading as Funtasia and with registered offices at Whitworth Hall, Laurence Street, Drogheda, Co Louth, which was the owner of the Funtasia venue and waterpark, Drogheda.


Smell pervaded

It was claimed that on April 1st, 2016, Lauren was in the swimming pool area when a strong smell of chlorine or some other noxious substance pervaded the area. Her eyes became red and sore and she began to cough and vomit, it was claimed. She also suffered shortness of breath and headaches.

It was claimed that Lauren had been exposed to a risk of danger of which the operators knew, or ought to have known, and that a noxious substance was caused to be leaked into the atmosphere.

Counsel told the court liability was admitted in the case. He said at the time of the incident people had runny eyes and minor complaints but Lauren required an increase in her inhalers afterwards because of her asthma.

Lauren, who is now studying for her Leaving Cert, has since recovered. Approving the settlement, Mr Justice Paul Coffey said the offer was very reasonable and he wished Lauren and her family well.