Irishman in court over alleged terrorism and weapons trafficking from Lithuania

Man arrested in Dundalk on foot of European arrest warrant from Lithuanian authorities

Ms Justice Aileen Donnelly: she remanded Liam Campbell in custody to next week, when an application for bail is expected to be made. Photograph: Dave Meehan

An Irishman wanted for alleged terrorism and the trafficking of weapons from Lithuania to Ireland has been arrested and brought before the High Court. Liam Campbell (54) was arrested in Upper Faughart, Dundalk, Co Louth, yesterday on foot of a European arrest warrant issued by Lithuanian authorities.

Mr Campbell allegedly organised the preparation for the smuggling in support of the “terrorist grouping” the RIRA, the Real IRA, the warrant states. The offences were allegedly committed between the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007.

“While acting in an organised group, he made arrangements for illegal possession of a considerable amount of powerful firearms, ammunition, explosive devices and substances,” according to the warrant which was endorsed by the High Court last week.

Det Sgt Jim Kirwan of the Garda extradition unit told the High Court that he arrested Mr Campbell at Upper Faughart, Co Louth, on foot of the warrant at 7.50am yesterday. He said he showed Mr Campbell a photograph attached to the warrant and when asked was the photograph of him, Mr Campbell said “yes”. Mr Campbell was subsequently brought to Dundalk Garda station and processed as an arrested person.


Ronan Kennedy told the court there was an objection to bail.

Ms Justice Aileen Donnelly remanded Mr Campbell in custody to next Thursday, when an application for bail is expected to be made. Ms Justice Donnelly informed Mr Campbell that he had a right to consent to surrender and to legal advice. He was represented in court by Brian Gageby.