Man gets injunction halting suspension from pigeon racing body

Enthusiast Maurice O’Donnell claims he has not been told reason for sanction by organisation

Pigeon racing enthusiast has got a temporary injunction preventing sports body suspending his membership of the organisation. Image: iStock

A pigeon racing enthusiast has got a temporary injunction preventing one of the sport’s administrative bodies suspending his membership of the organisation.

Maurice O’Donnell, of Crompan View, The Burgery, Dungarvan, Co Waterford, who has been involved in pigeon racing for 48 years, has taken proceedings against the management committee of the Irish Homing Union National Flying Club, a pigeon racing club, and the southern region of the Irish Homing Union (IHU), which governs and regulates the sport.

Mr O’Donnell sought the orders over last month’s decision by the IHU’s southern region to suspend his membership.

He claims he has not been informed why he was suspended and by whom the decision was taken. He claims his suspension is in clear breach of the rules and very damaging to him personally.


On Tuesday, Mr Justice Paul Gilligan granted an ex parte application (one side only represented) for interim orders restraining the defendants suspending Mr O’Donnell’s membership or holding a meeting about that suspension or any other issues concerning the parties. The matter was returned to next week.

In a sworn statement, Mr O’Donnell said he had been on the management committee of the club but resigned after relations between him and other members broke down.

The problems related to a stance he took over the disciplining of another club member disqualified from a race over an allegation that was untrue, he said. He gave evidence on that man’s behalf and that man eventually had the race ban overturned on appeal to the IHU’s supreme council.

A second incident related to the spending of the proceeds of a fundraiser, Mr O’Donnell said. Money was raised to buy a vehicle for transporting pigeons but another member of the management committee decided the money was to be spent on the weaving of wicker pigeon crates, he said.

Alleged threats

He resigned from the club’s management committee out of “frustration” and last December received an email saying that threats alleged to have been made by him were to be discussed at a meeting.

Any suggestion he made a threat against members and officers of the club was categorically and completely untrue and defamatory of him, he said.

As a result of being suspended, he consulted a solicitor. In March, his suspension was lifted and he was elected as the club’s president following its agm.

He had hoped matters were at an end but was informed last month the suspension had been reinstated. He was not given any reasons for that decision which had an adverse impact on his ability to race his pigeons.

He took part in a race in Kinsale but was later told he had been disqualified but given no reasons, he said.

While asked to attend at a regional meeting on May 21st to try to resolve matters between him and the club, he feared the meeting was called to affirm an unlawful suspension, he said.