Michael Lowry faces more legal bills after tribunal costs bid fails

Independent TD appealing against judge’s refusal to make order sought against tribunal

Independent TD Michael Lowry: faces multi-million legal costs bill. Photograph: Eric Luke

Independent TD Michael Lowry is facing another legal costs bill after his failed bid to get a High Court order directing the Moriarty tribunal to pay his full legal costs for his participation in that inquiry. His lawyers say the costs run to millions.

Mr Justice John Hedigan was told on Tuesday Mr Lowry is appealing against the judge's refusal to make the order sought against the tribunal.

The judge had rejected arguments on behalf of Mr Lowry that he should make no order concerning the costs of Mr Lowry’s failed High Court case or else that he should only have to make a contribution to those costs.

On Tuesday, Niamh Hyland SC, for Mr Lowry, argued the court should make no order for costs, meaning both sides pay their own bills, but Mr Justice Hedigan said the tribunal was entitled to costs against Mr Lowry.