Pakistani man planning wedding seeks to halt deportation

Saim Shaheen Khan, who divorced Portugese wife in June, wants to marry French girlfriend

The Minister for Justice issued the deportation order on June 21st, a fortnight after Saim Shaheen Khan’s divorce had gone through.

A Pakistani man who is planning to marry his French girlfriend next month has been granted an injunction against the Minister for Justice restraining his deportation.

Barrister Paul O'Shea, counsel for Saim Shaheen Khan told Mr Justice Denis McDonald in the High Court that the Minister had issued a deportation order against his client following his divorce from a Portugese woman two months ago.

Mr O’Shea, who appeared with Brian Burns of Burns Kelly Corrigan Solicitors, said the Minister was alleging that Mr Khan’s 2014 marriage to the Portugese national had been a “marriage of convenience”.

He said the Minister had issued the deportation order on June 21st, a fortnight after his divorce had gone through.


Mr Khan, of North Strand Road, Dublin, and his girlfriend Gaelle Sauron were granted leave to judicially review the Ministerial order together with an interim injunction restraining his deportation until further details of the case are placed before the High Court October 7th, by which time the couple expect to be married.

Student visa

Judge McDonald granted the Minister leave to apply to the court to have the injunction removed on giving the couple’s legal team 24 hour notice of such an application.

Mr O'Shea said Mr Khan had arrived in Ireland in October 2012 on a student visa and had studied at Grafton College, Dublin.

Three years later, he had been granted residency pursuant to EU Treaty rights following his marriage to Maria Dulcelina Tavares.

He had separated from his wife in early 2016 and obtained a divorce from her on June 7th, 2019. His residency permission had been revoked by letter from the Minister in November 2017.

Judge McDonald heard that Mr Khan had subsequently made unsuccessful applications for residency on the basis he was in a de facto relationship with Ms Sauron, who has been living in Ireland since April 2016.

Ms Sauron was in court for the application but Mr O'Shea said Mr Khan was at the Garda National Immigration Bureau where he had to sign on.

Mr O’Shea said his client was in imminent danger of deportation.

Judge McDonald heard that the couple had been in a committed and intimate relationship since April 2016 and deportation of Mr Khan would visit irremediable damage on them and disrupt their marriage plans.

Mr Khan, in an affidavit to the court, said he and Ms Sauron had an appointment with the Registrar of Marriages and they should know in the next couple of weeks if they could marry and whether there would be any objections.

He said his solicitor, Mr Burns, had applied for a residence card for him and had sought an undertaking from the Minister not to deport him until that application had been dealt with. No undertaking had been forthcoming.

Judge McDonald, granting leave to challenge the Minister’s order of deportation and granting an injunction restraining Mr Khan’s imminent deportation, adjourned the proceedings until October 7th.