Protests at Ballinamore asylum centre ended after injunction, court told

Owners of building sought order 24-hour picket which began late last month

The case, which came before the court on Friday on a one-side only represented basis, returned before Mr Justice Max Barrett on Wednesday.

Protests outside a Co Leitrim apartment complex being fitted out to accommodate 25 families seeking asylum have ended, the High Court heard on Wednesday.

Remcoll 2 Ltd, the owners of the Rock Centre building in Ballinamore, obtained an interim injunction last Friday preventing the protesters from interfering with the completion of the work.

The court heard that since late last month a 24-hour picket was maintained outside the centre and workers and security personnel had been intimidated and threatened. There had been an attempt to set fire to a Tesco supermarket which is part of the complex but fortunately the petrol strewn around the entrance did not catch with the main building, the court was told.

A two-metre wire fence was erected around the building to prevent personnel gaining access and obstructions were placed on doors, including emergency doors, the court was told.


Six named people were injuncted from besetting, trespassing and impeding access. The were local Fine Gael councillor Ita Reynolds, auctioneer Gordon Hughes, pharmacist Brian Cribbin and local businessman Adrian Smith.

Along with Fred Walsh, who is allegedly involved in protests against Quinn Industrial Holdings, and Desmond Wisley, who allegedly provided protesters with food and operates drones around the building, they were described in court papers as some of the leaders of the protest.

The injunction, which was posted at the building, also applied to all others with notice of it.

The case, which came before the court on Friday on a one-side only represented basis, returned before Mr Justice Max Barrett on Wednesday when he was told by Bernard Dunleavy SC, for Remcoll 2, there had been compliance with the court order.

The fence had been removed, barrels used for fires and tents were gone and the protesters were also gone, counsel said.

Workers are able to gain access and the completion works will be done in accordance with the expected timeline, he said.

Mr Dunleavy said he will be seeking to have the injunction continued pending full hearing of the case but asked that only the interim order stay in place until a short adjournment requested by the defence.

Maura McNally SC, for the six named defendants, said her side needed time to respond as her clients only received the papers on Sunday.

Her clients wanted the opportunity to address the substance of the case as they believed they were “somewhat blackened” by the allegations. They were upstanding members of the community, including a local representative, a member of a State board, a chemist and an auctioneer, she said.

Such allegations, if left unanswered, could have serious ramifications in the long term for them in that they are the holders of licences, she said.

Each of them “have taken umbrage” at the allegations and want to address them in their own affidavits rather than in a collective affidavit, counsel said. In those circumstances, she was looking for a two week adjournment to put in replies.

Mr Justice Barrett adjourned the matter to December 6th and said the interim order will remain in force until then.