Traumatised girl moved from direct provision to hospital

Doctors express serious concerns for teenager’s mental and physical health

The girl, who was exposed to violence in her native Africa, has been diagnosed with psychosis. Photograph posed by model: iStock

A chronically traumatised teenager who has lived in a direct provision centre since last year has been taken to hospital by order of the High Court.

The HSE sought the orders after doctors had serious concerns about the 16-year-old girl’s psychiatric and physical health.

The girl, who was exposed to violence in her native Africa, has been diagnosed with psychosis. She spends much of her days praying and fasting and standing before windows trying to soak up light which she perceives as “goodness”.

She believes she can communicate with saints and that she is praying to save the Irish people from evil.


The teenager came here with her mother and brother in 2015 and all three have lived in a direct provision centre since last year.

Earlier this month, she was taken to a hospital which referred her to a child and adolescent unit on foot of concerns she had a psychotic illness.

Due to long periods of not eating or drinking, her food and fluid intake is respectively about 44 per cent and 33 per cent of that necessary for adequate growth and development.

She has refused to co-operate with staff who try to take her pulse or bloods, and so ambulances have been called a number of times to bring her to hospital for acute interventions, the court heard. She only agreed to go to hospital once.

Deteriorating condition

Due to doctors’ concerns about her deteriorating condition and refusal to comply with treatment, lawyers for the HSE applied to a night-time sitting of the High Court last week to have her made a ward of court, taken to hospital and treated by doctors who would consider her best interests.

Psychiatric reports expressed the opinion, due to her illness, that she did not have the insight to make informed decisions about her treatment and her physical health was in danger, which in turn was impacting her mental health and ability to function.

The President of the High Court, Mr Justice Peter Kelly, made interim orders to effect her transfer to hospital and returned the matter to Monday, when counsel for the HSE confirmed she is now in hospital. The girl’s mother was in court and supported the HSE’s application, the judge also heard.

In evidence, a psychiatrist said the girl appeared to be taking more fluids, but her mental state remains precarious and she does not believe she needs to be in hospital. Her recovery could take weeks, the doctor said.

On foot of that evidence and reports, the judge made the girl a ward of court. He continued orders permitting doctors to administer – against her will, if necessary – treatment they considered to be in her best interests. Other orders permit gardaí to search for, arrest and return her to hospital should she leave.

The matter has been adjourned to next week. Reasons for this include giving the girl’s mother time to consider if she or another family member wishes to be appointed as the girl’s wardship committee.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times