Woman awarded more than €250,000 over abuse by uncle

Judge took into account her past and future pain and suffering, and her counselling bills

Woman was awarded €253,000 in the High Court. Cyril Byrne/THE IRISH TIMES

A woman sexually abused as a child by her uncle has been awarded €253,000 damages by a High Court judge.

Mr Justice Kevin Cross said the woman was sexually assaulted between 1977 and 1985 when she was aged seven to 15.

Her uncle, who is eight years older than her, was in a position of trust in the family, the judge said.

Given the “awful” and “horrific” nature of the assaults, the judge said he was awarding €200,000 general damages for past pain and suffering, €50,000 for pain and suffering into the future and €3,000 towards medical and counselling bills.


Guilty plea

The man pleaded guilty before the Circuit Court three years ago to 22 counts of abuse and was sentenced to six years imprisonment. Half of that term was suspended.

Earlier this year, judgment was granted against the man in default of defence and the case was before Mr Justice Cross yesterday for assessment of damages only.

John Shortt SC, for the woman, now aged in her 40s and a mother of three, said she wanted to remain anonymous.

Counsel said both the woman and her uncle had lived in her grandparents’ house.

He said the sexual assaults were persistent and systematic and adverse remarks were constantly made to the victim.

In his decision, Mr Justice Cross said the woman was entitled to damages and to be compensated for a long period of assault. In his years as a barrister and a judge, he had seen what happened to people who had experienced abuse, the judge said.

It was to the woman’s credit she had been able to get on with her life and raise her children and had not “buckled”.

She had not told anyone until the man came back into her life and she was concerned for her own children, he also noted.

Mr Justice Cross wished the woman well for the future.